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C.C. Hogan

The Stink Website is Launched

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The Official Website for The Stink is now live.

It's 1976, the sun is out and it is planning to stay out right through summer. Five friends with stupid nicknames get kicked out of school early having finished their O-Level exams with one single aim. 

They are sixteen years old, they have something to shout about and they are putting together a band...

What could go wrong?

Visit the site right now!

Want to know more?

I have just launched the official book website with information on the band, excerpts, background information... 

And the whole of chapter one!

With publication not long away (final proof reading over the next couple of weeks), I thought I would give you this nice little teaser to tickle your literary taste buds, if such a thing can be tickled.

There is also the tinyist morsel about a second book (one in planning) plus an Essay about the seventies - my non-historical take on the time and place where the book is set.

The Stink

A heartwarming tale of friends, family, music, racism and murder...




    Please feel free to comment - no anger, no bad vibes, no trashing people. Just sit around, enjoy a flagon of beer and mull over the world. You can login with Disqus, Facebook, Twitter or Google.

    Series One & Two are out now!

    Start series one with Dirt for Free, and start reading the brand new series two with Girls of Dirt for only 99p!

    Girls of Dirt includes a recap of series one.

    Get it now at the Dirt website

    The Stink Is Here

    North London, 1976. The longest, hottest summer on record. The water is running out and the kids hate their parents. Which bunch of idiots would think it is a good idea to start a band?

    The Stink

    Visit The Stink Website