Two of my songs have been picked by crowd review to be featured on ReverbNation. "The Sun Will Never Set" will be featured w/c 11th April and "Little Island Girl will be featured w/c 4th July - a good day for Americana musicians!
This has been a lot of fun. I have only just signed up and paid for a couple of small crowd reviews - not many reviews and the most basic package - but most of the reviewers liked the songs with most saying they would happily listen to them again. One review loves my voice and a few gave me 10/10. Made my bloody week, let me tell you.
So, what happens next?
To be honest, I am not very sure. I really didn't expect to be in the position and have no idea if it will give me any help. If the April 11th feature of The Sun Will Never Set gets a good response, I have decided I will up the anti for July the 4th.
I will write some new songs and finish a few that are kicking around, and release an album to coincide with the feature.
So, be nice, and go and check out my ReverbNation page and say nice things about me! Comments on there, er, good ones, make a lot of difference. While you are there, become a member and check out loads of amazing indie artists who are struggling to get heard. Fan me, while you are about it!
See you there.