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C.C. Hogan

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My new books have arrived
However nervous I am, I love that moment when books arrive, hot off the press! I have been slaving over Dirt for the last year, and the first four books landed with a thump on my doormat a couple of hours ago. So, what next?
Publishing on Smashwords
If you are publishing a book, your first port of call is probably Amazon KDP. However, you may with to make your book available on other platforms too. Publishing through Smashwords will give you access to Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo and lots of other outlets. But the set up is a little different to KDP.
Could Amazon improve their service for Independent Authors?
Following an email from myself to the KDP team at Amazon, they have reduced the first book in my new Fantasy series Dirt to zero so it is permanently free. This is crucial part of my sell, because as an author it is one of the few marketing techniques I can afford to help sell my whole series. It made me think about the Amazon KDP offering and how it could be improved to help Amazon, Authors and the vital readers.