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C.C. Hogan

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The Joy of the Readthrough
There is nothing better than sitting down and reading through your own writing, polishing it while revisiting the joys and the heartbreak, the intrigue and twists hand in hand with your characters
The Grammarly Word Plugin
I have been using Grammarly for a little while now and it has been a mixed experience. Although the online editor is well reviewed and the Chrome plugin is useful, the Word Plugin has some serious issues and is probably of no use for the serious writer. I am now using StyleWriter 4 with better results.
Setting up StyleWriter 4 for editing Novels
StyleWriter 4 is an add-in for Microsoft Word that analyses your document to help improve your writing style. I am currently evaluating it and am so far finding it useful, despite the odd bug. However, out of the box, it can be an eyeful for the author who is more interested in the sentence and less interested in a huge pile of statistics. So, here is a short guide and some thoughts aimed at book authors.